analytics, failure analysis


The goal of the analysis is to create technical evidence.

The approach, application of a wide variety of test methods and combination of individual results in the clarification of a technical failure case are similar to the conduct of a forensic investigation. The methodology follows the guidelines of the VDI/VDE 3822 Blatt1 damage analysis. Weak points are detected and documented by optical inspection, metallographic preparation and material analysis. The results of the investigation are presented as an expert opinion and are also represented by TechnoLab GmbH as an expert.

Technical equipment and extensive know-how allow us to carry out the investigation of defective or suspect objects efficiently and with a high degree of certainty of evidence. In addition, we are able to secure a critical chain of evidence through a damage simulation.
The focus of our activities is on electronic assemblies, their use and their process chain.
Part of a damage investigation is also to work out solutions and improvements for the production process together with the client. Linked to this is the desire to avoid future failures and reduce the resulting warranty and goodwill costs.