

Measurement and control software is programmed at TechnoLab via National Instruments hardware with Lab-View.

Here, hardware and software can be set up according to requirements and optimized for the respective measurement task.
The evaluation of the measurement data is mostly realized via DIADEM, which in contrast to MS-Excel can process an infinite amount of data.
Measurement clocks of 10 mega samples or measurement tasks with up to 128 channels can be realized. The respective requirements must be defined before the contract is awarded. Thus, with appropriate hardware, all physical greetings are measurable.
In addition to the data acquisition, the associated sensors for the input values must be defined. However, a wide range of sensors can be connected.

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So far, we use the measured variables for:
  • Acceleration
  • Electrical measured values Voltage, current, resistance
  • Frequency / Time measurement
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Pressure / Vacuum
  • Radiation (light and heat)
  • Gas concentration
  • Mechanical load / torque
  • Weight / Gravity